miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Why is so difficult?

So, they are always telling you the way to gt to things, how to reach what you want, but no one ever tells you that the most difficult part from getting what you really want is to keep that close to you. How easy it is to be someone for a day, and how difficult is to be someone all your life.

The same happens with friendship... why if we let things go they finally dissappear? why do we even let things go? What was on my mind when I just lost interest, why didn't I think that I could lose it all? when did all our relationship started to sink?

I would like to say that it's not my fault, but it is. I was the one that wanted to run away from you because it hurted me so bad being by your side, and I didn't realize that what hurts more than being by your side is not being there. Being no one in your life? In a year I became the "only one" that listens to you, ans in less than that  I became tha one asking, "how things going" with not a real interest in that.

I wish I could go backwards, but there's no way for that. But I want you to be again by my side. Having you as a friend is much more than so many things, and now that I'm stronger, and now that I know what I have to do, what I want to do!, now that I know myself better, now is when I want you back by my side, and I feel you might want it too, but we both don't know how to. How could we?

People show you things that you could do all on your own with no help at all, but no one tells you how to do the most difficult things. Maybe beeing sincere is the key, though it might be embarrassing, though it may hurt, I feel the only way is to tell you how I feel right now, and hope that you'll accept that kind of apologize, and we could ever be friends again somehow. I still don't see when I started to lose you, but I know that someday I realized that I was losing you, and I did not care at all, 'cause I though that way would be better. For you and for me. Why is it so easy to lie to ourselves? And why is it so difficult to get you back?

Sorry, I'll try, but that fact is that I feel you so far away from me right now... but still want you so close.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011


So when you walk so lack of inspiration you just stand there with no idea of what to do. That’s what has been happening to me lately, and that’s the reason I haven’t write anything these days. I just don’t know what to say. Maybe I just got nothing interesting to say, I really don’t know, thought I hope this situation will change soon.

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Day 4 - The girl who walks on the street

La chica que anda por la calle
Cada día se levanta a les 6:45, aunque le cuesta un poco, finalmente siempre termina por conseguirlo. Se lava la cara, almuerza, se ducha, se cepilla los dientes, se arregla y a las 7:45 ya está lista para salir y afrontar un día más en la vida. No es que sea una vida realmente complicada, puede que un poco dura y cansada, pero ella nunca se queja, al contrario, no podría estar más agradecida. Tiene a sus amigos, que ve todas las tardes que tiene libres y algunas noches. No tiene pareja, pues lo dejaron con su novio no hace mucho, pero no se siente muy triste por eso, sólo le da pena que al final la relación se deteriorara. Y aunque su familia no esté cerca de dónde ella vive y los eche en falta, no se siente sola. Está feliz de tener cosas para las que estar alegre y cosas para las que sentirse triste. Se coloca los auriculares en las orejas y abre la puerta.
Cuando sale a la calle se protege el cuello con su abrigo negro, pues el viento hibernal puede llegar a ser muy frío en esa enorme ciudad. Se dirige hacia la boca del metro mientras a su lado hileras de gente se mueven a toda prisa, cada una de esas personas está aislada en su mundo, pero aún así, aunque todos en su mundo, conviven en una perfecta armonía. Está a punto de entrar en el metro cuando de pronto y muy probablemente motivada por la música, decide ir andando hacia el trabajo, pues la verdad es que tampoco le queda exageradamente lejos, va a tardar algo más de lo previsto en llegar, pero hoy va con tiempo y aunque sea andando, va a llegar temprano.
Su paseo la lleva por los lugares que ya tan familiares le parecen, aunque no sea esa la ciudad dónde se crío. Hay algunas caras que siempre se encuentran en el mismo lugar, otras que cada día son distintas. Gente paseando entre el gentío con flores, aunque la mayoría llevan un café humeando. A ella también le sentaría bien uno. Va a comprárselo. Ahora con el café en la mano sigue andando, un poco más deprisa, pues ha perdido algo de tiempo al ir a comprar-lo. Cada sorbo de ese brebaje le da un poco más de energía. Sonríe a un niño que va de la mano de su padre seguramente dirigiéndose al colegio y se ha quedado mirándola con una sonrisa. Un perro le ladra y aunque en un primer momento se asusta, luego se da cuenta de que sólo quiere caricias. Sigue andando y ya cada vez está más cerca. Cada paso le sabe a gloria, esos paseos le saben a libertad, en ese momento es quién quiere ser y nadie le dice lo contrario, nadie la contradice, y ella gobierna a sus piernas. Esos son sus momentos, suyos y solo suyos.
Llega a una puerta de cristal, mira la entrada de su trabajo, de dónde no parar de entrar y salir gente. Apaga la música, sonríe con optimismo y traviesa la puerta.

The girl who walks on the street
Every day she wakes up at 6:45, though she finds it a little hard she always ends getting up. She washes her face, gets breakfast, a shower, she brushes her teeth, gets ready and at 7:45 is absolutely ready to go out and face up a new day in life. It’s not that her life’s very complicated, maybe a little rough and tiring, but she never complains, contrary she could not be more grateful. She has her friends, who she sees each afternoon she’s free and some nights. She’s single, because her boyfriend and she broke up not so far ago, but she’s not really mad about it, she’s just a little sad about how the relationship wore out. And although her family is far away from where she lives and that she miss them, she doesn’t feel lonely. She’s happy because she’s got both, things to be happy about and things that make her feel sad. She puts on the headphones and opens the door.
When she gets on the street she keeps her neck protected with her black coat, because the winter wind can be so freezing in that big city. She hires to the underground while next to her lines of people move in a rush, everyone is isolated in their own world, but nevertheless they live in perfect harmony. She is going to go down into the underground when suddenly, and surely motivated by the music, decides to walk to work, because the truth is that it’s not so far away from where she lives, maybe the commute will last a little bit longer than expected, but she has time and whether she goes walking or not, she’ll be there on time.
The walk takes her to the places that have become so familiar to her, though it’s not the city where she grew up. There are some faces that are always there, but some others are different every day. People walking through people with flowers, but mostly people are carrying a steaming coffee. She may like one too. She goes to buy it. Now, with the coffee in her hand she keeps on walking, a little faster than before because she’s lost a little bit of time on going for that coffee. Every sip of that brew gives her a more energy. She smiles at a little kid who walks hand by hand with his father, maybe going to school, and has been staring at her with a smile. A dog barks at her and though she’s frightened in the very first moment, soon she realizes that it only wants to be stroked. She goes on while she’s reaching work. Every step that she takes feels like paradise, those walks taste like freedom to her, she’s now who she wants to be, and no one tells her it’s not like that, no one opposites her, and she controls her legs. Those are her moments, hers and only hers.

Day 3 - The Boy in the Café

El chico en el café
Está sentado en aquél pequeño café. Es esa clase de chico que no puedes evitar quedarte mirándolo aunque no sea muy atractivo. Está fumando. Voy a hablar con él. No es de aquí, lo noto en su acento. Empezamos a hablar I conocernos. Compartimos palabras muy bonitos, la conversación continua I parece que nada podrá detenerla. Verdaderamente pasamos un bonito rato juntos. De pronto el recibe una llamada, es su novia. Me ha estado hablando de ella y parece ser una chica muy maja. Cuando vuelve hablamos un poco más pero es hora de que me marche. Le doy un beso de despedida y me levantó. Al final me vuelvo lentamente una última vez hacia él y le digo “Tu novia es una chica con suerte” y le digo adiós con la mano. Él me mira y me deleita con una enorme sonrisa. Nunca lo vuelvo a ver.

The boy in the café
He’s sitting in that small café. He’s that kind of guy that you can’t help staring at although he’s not very attractive. He’s smoking. I get to talk to him. He’s not from here, I can tell it from his accent. We start talking and we get to know each other. We share some really nice words; the talk goes on and seems nothing will stop it. We really have a good time together. Suddenly he gets a call, it’s his girlfriend. He has been talking about her and seems to be a really nice girl. When he comes back we share a few more words but it’s time for me to go. I kiss him goodbye and stand up. Finally I turn slowly to him one more time and say “Your girlfriend is a lucky girl” and wave my hand goodbye. He looks at me and delights my eyes with a bright smile. I never get to see him again.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Day 2 - The little friends

Los pequeños amigos
Está sólo, no físicamente, pues el lugar está lleno de otros niños. Sin embargo está sólo. No es que le resulté muy difícil hacer amigos (aunque sí mantenerlos), el problema es que no tiene ningún interés en hacerlos.
Se dirige a un lugar menos abarrotado. A esas horas todos están fuera. Decide que volverá cuando quiera compañía. Dando vueltas descubre una melodía distinta a lo que había escuchado hasta la fecha. Se acerca al lugar, hay algunos niños, todos en su mundo, en grupo, parejos o incluso solos. Se arma de valor y queriendo saber quien crea esa hermosa melodía, alza su voz y pregunta quién está tocando. Otra voz, más dulce, se escucha por encima de la música que aún ahora no deja de sonar. “Yo”. Otro niño lo mira desconcertado desde el otro lado de la sala. Todos los otros niños ni se inmutan. Los dos niños no dejan de mirarse. Se dan cuenta de que acaba de nacer una amistad maravillosamente irrompible.

The Little friends
He’s alone, not physically, ‘cause there are kids all over the place. Nevertheless he’s alone. It’s not that he finds it hard to make friends (thought it is to keep them), the problem is that he has no interest in making them.
He takes his way to an emptier room. At that time everyone’s out. Decides that he’ll be back when he deserves some company. Walking all around he finds out a different melody from what he has heard in his lifetime. He gets closer to that place, there are some childs, all on their own world, in a gang, a couple but also alone. He plucks up courage and wanting to know who makes that lovely melody, rises up his voice and asks who’s playing. Another voice, sweeter, is listened over the music that even now doesn’t stop playing. “Me”. Another child is looking at him right on from the other side of the room. All the other kids don’t even care. The two childs don’t stop looking at each other. They realize that’s the start from a marvelous and unbreakable friendship.

Just a thing about this one, it was inspired from a real story, well, not that, it's just the way I would tell that story which acctually happened. Not to me :)

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Day 1 - The girl in the bus

La chica en el autobús.
Está cansada, decide que volver andando a casa es una tarea demasiado ardua. Decide coger el autobús. Este está lleno. No es muy grande y a la mínima se llena. Sube, sabe que aunque le duelan los pies tendrá que estar de pie. Se coloca mínimamente cómoda, sí es que eso puede ser. Hay un chico, no es que sea especialmente atractivo, pero sus miradas se cruzan. Ella cree que puede ser el amor de su vida, le sigue mirando. Finalmente al chico le toca bajarse en la parada, ella lo mira una última vez, si fuera más valiente podría dirigirle la palabra, sólo le sale una sonrisa, el chico se la devuelve. Se cierra la puerta. Nunca más lo vuelve a ver.

The girl in the bus.
She’s tired, thinks that walking home may be so exhausting. Decides to take the bus. It’s full. It’s not really big and it fulfils easily. She gets in and knows that although her feet are hurting so bad, she’ll have to stay up. She puts herself as comfortable as she can, if that’s possible. There’s a boy, not especially attractive, but they exchange glances. Thinks that maybe he’s her true love, she keeps on looking. Finally the boy has to get off at the stop, she looks at him one more time, if she was braver she could talk to him, she’s only able to show a smile, the guy gives it back. The door closes. She’ll never see him again.

New idea

So right today I'll start a trial. Well not at all but it's just a new idea I've got.
It all started when I was thinking about all the stories that came to my mind when I'm walking all around the city. The idea is to share those stories with the world and to post a new one everyday. Maybe I'll find myself without new stories not so far from now, but although I'll do my best that will be probably the time I change it by a new one every week or so.

Every story will be written in spanish and in english, but don't judge me, I'm just not really good with english, hope you don't really mind. :)
They will also be accompanied with images, as much as I can I'll try to post my own, but whenever the time deserves it and I'm not using my images, I'll tell you where they come from.

Hope you find my stories interesting or at least enjoyable. ^^  X, Puchi.

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Little Crush

Speed draw I did after a friend of mine told me of a crush she's had recently! :) Hope it all ends in a good way! ^^

The fist draw I post here, there will be more comming soon :)

Puchi - this draw owns to me, please don't use it :)

lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

When Morning Comes To Town

Listening to The Field Mice :)
I feel that a long exposure to their music makes u feel saddest, though it's the most beaustiful music I've ever heard, so sincere and so simple. I'm really happy I discovered them... with a little bit of help, that's true ^^ oh, and I've got to say that I've still got much to learn about this band, so I'll keep listening and enjoying it. It's a pitty that so many people does not know them. Hope you like them!


So yesterday I went with a few friends to Blanes, there I really enoyed myself. We arrived there at 6 pm. aprox, and we took a walk to the beach, there we took our site to get to see the fireworks pretty well, and we spend the afternoon on the beach. Altough it was not a really hot day, some friends took a bath, not me, jaja, But I loved staying there with the sun setting down, and people coming to enjoy the fireworks as well, wich started at 22:30.
I think that there's nothing to complain about, though I had to wait almost a 15' minutes to get to the toilet, I had pretty fun waiting in the queue. So I think that's all, I trully enjoyed the day!! :)
Oh, well I've got to say that this fireworks are hold in Blanes during a week, and everynight they're different, I think it is pretty well know 'cause people from all over europe comes to see them. So I recommend you come and see them too. :)

domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

When sadness becomes hapiness

So last friday I saw "Where the wild things are" and I felt in love with the movie, the soundtrack, and with all the monsters that where there, but also with the kid. For me it was a perfect movie. Don't ask me why, but I think that I love this kins of films, and if it has a good soundrtack, then it's obvious that I'll fall in love.

So yep, If you haven't seen the film, go ans see it, I trully rcomend it. I leave here a song called "Worried Shoes" by Karen O, which is what I'm listening at the moment.

Awful party TT

So yep, yesterday I went to the most awful party I've ever been. Oh man, it was full of chlidren from 13 to 17 drinking a lot just at 24h!!! I felt old there, and I'm just 18! :(  At least I was with some friends and I met there some other friends with who I had a great time.

What else? the music was horrible. It was just like listening to the music they put in the discos,  but worse. There where a few songs that I recognize but they lasted less than 1 or 2 minutes. I waas just standing there and willing to go home and listen to my own music. I knew what kind of party it was, but I could have never imagine how awful it could be. Oh and it was freezing! in the middle of summer, oh man, it was just as if the world was telling you to go home, lol. But we had to wait till 4 to leave the party. But I've to say that I'm grateful that it was for free and that I had my friends there, they make everything seems more easy.

So, hope you all had a better night. Best wishes.

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Who will care?

So this is my fist and new blog, well, actually not the first I've made, but yep the first one that I'll take seriously. :)
I trully don't know what it would be about, I think that it will just be a little bit of everything, things that I cannot share with anyone that I know right now, so maybe it'll be just a way to escape somehow.
Just to clarify, I'm not english, so maybe I'm not quite good with my writting, and what's more, sometimes I'll write in my native language, catalan, others in spanish, I'll choose depending on how I feel.
Well, anyway I'm just finishing this post now, got friends right here with who I'm talking at the moment and my attention is not 100% in what I'm doing.
Hope you enjoy this weekend.